Hello Everyone
Back in 2016 when we started on flywo, we aimed to develop a booking solution that will adapt with traveller behaviour to optimise the cost of travel. We imagined the product would one day evolve to an assistant for the travel manager within a company.
Adaptive AI problems are hard to solve, and they take time. After 18 months of development, we launched flywo. The customers loved it. Within a few months of launch, 200 companies signed up for the product. It seemed we were on track to fulfil our vision. Then covid-19 happened. Like everything else in the world, travel stopped. Covid19 changed business travel forever. We had to make a decision.
We explored many options and concluded that continuing the development of flywo didn’t make sense anymore. The problem had changed. However, the fundamental solution framework around which we built flywo worked and could be adapted to other similar problems. We decided to pivot.
In July 2020 Quper was born. We adapted the solution framework to the problem of student assessments and learning. After six months of development and user trials, Quper is ready to launch this month.
Pivoting is never easy and welcomed news. If you have any additional questions, please drop a note to helloinsteract@insteract.com.
Thank you for the support thus far.